Anaconda – Enterprise Class Python Virtual Env for Scientific Computing

Python has been hugely popular in the scientific community for data analytics, large scale data processing and scientific computing, along with the huge array of packages. The problem with some python packages, are the fact that they can be sometimes buggy and sometimes unreliable.

The Anaconda virtual environment from Continuum Analytics (based in Austin, Texas), makes the use of python and its packages(330 of them) enterprise class for business and scientific use, without the bugs and with constant updates.In addition, pip install also allows the ability to add more packages to the python repositories, further extending its capability.

The ability to use multiple virtual environment, make its easy to use for a specific application, and at the same time, doesn’t mess up the python and packages in the system(such as in the case of linux distros like Manjaro, where changes to the python can cause changes to the desktop environment).

Major corporation such as Boeing, NASA, Raytheon, JP Morgan and Linked IN use Anaconda.

