A great TED talk about leaders and what makes them great.

For most millennials who I know, says that the TED talks, with speakers from around the world and from varied background, helps them restore faith in humanity. This TED talk quite struck me and it depicts the psychology of real leaders and people who follow them. What makes you feel safe under a leadership, instills trust, gives you the choice to do what you want to do, increase morale and make an organization or a group productive. It can be applied anywhere in the society from small scale companies to large scale organization and even in the academia. Simon Sinek give this brilliant TED talk and concludes by saying “isn’t that the organization what we would all like to work in”.

This is the reason that so many people have such a visceral hatred, anger, discontent at some of these banking CEOs, with their disproportionate salary and bonus structures, not the numbers. They have violated the very definition of leadership, they have violated this deep-seated social contract. – Simon Sinek

There are senior people in organizations who are no leaders and we do what they say because they have authority over us, but we would not follow them. I know many people at the bottom of the organizations who are absolutely leaders, because they have chosen to look at the person on the left of them and they have chosen to look at the person on the right of them, This is what a leader is – Simon Sinek