Do we actually use all those publications in journals in real life?

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It is quite an intriguing question I was asking myself, despite numerous publication in high-quality journals about new research in science, technology, management and psychology; we rarely use them. Be it at the universities that submit the papers to journals or in the people in their real life.

A simple example would be in management, how a school manages or mismanages student experience or how a team in the University administers a conference. How they utilize research in human psychology to avoid anxiety, stress, and harassment to train the students well enough to enable to contribute to the society. The absence of which makes such academic institutions mouthpieces to research with no use of its own.

A classic example of good management by the educational institution was that of the case of one of last year’s APS  conference, where over 30 thousand people were well managed and taken the care off, and without any source of anxiety.

I have also had an exact opposite experience in another conference.

The belief that the productive use of research will benefit society is under question in such cases.